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Go to the shop...the "new kid on the block" started an Indiegogo campaign for their Spinciti: Performance Road E-Bike - Supercharged, and they already received 974% funding!
Spinciti is the latest company to offer a mid-priced electric bike with impressive specs and an attractive design. The Amsterdam, Spinciti’s first model, comes in two different frames, with a choice of three different motors for each. And like many of its competitors, Spinciti is turning to crowdfunding to get its first bikes into production.
Keep tabs on all the miles you log with the Spinciti's app—or connect your wheels to Apple Health or MyFitnessPal.
It’s hard to stand out in an increasingly crowded e-bike market, so it seems every other company has a gimmick or two to try and catch your eye. But most buyers just want a bike that performs well, looks nice, and comes in at a reasonable price.
Interesting Smart Products And Companies To Keep An Eye OnSpinciti is the latest company to offer an affordably-priced bike with notable specs, while refusing to compromise on design. I had the opportunity ...
Spinciti, un nouveau venu sur le marché de l'e ...Et les fabricants se multiplient eux aussi. L'un des derniers en date, Spinciti, vient de lancer avec succès une campagne de crowdfunding.
An e-bike I might actually buy.
La bicicleta eléctrica se ha convertido en los últimos tiempos en una interesante alternativa a la dictadura del automóvil.
Combining a sleek look with plenty of speed, this e-bike aims to transform everyday commutes into a customizable experience. Spinciti's Amsterdam E-bike features a 500W motor and 8 gear speeds and a range of 50 miles on a full charge.
Another nicely thought out ebike has hit Indiegogo this morning, offering decent power and a practical range at an affordable price.
Na crowdfundingovej stránke Indiegogo sa objavil opäť zaujímavý projekt elektrobicyklu. Tentokrát ide o cestný bicykel Spinciti, ktorý láka na dostupnú cenu.
Offers multiple motors, 50 mile range, hits sub-$1k price!
A new “supercharged” electric bike has been created by Spinciti offering a lightweight, high-performance commuter E-Bike with a 50 mile range.
Spinciti is a new company that has launched a new e-bike on IndieGoGo starting at $999. The Amsterdam is described as a ‘road e-bike designed with the everyday commuter in mind’.
In the upcoming years, e-bike lovers will get to enjoy many new launches. One of the latest models introduced to the world of electric bicycles has just debuted on Indiegogo with impressive specs, attractive design, and a practical range at an affordable price.
Het is moeilijk om je in de huidige markt met e-bikes nog te onderscheiden. Het ene merk probeert het met een lage rijs, het andere merk met design.
Wie zijn rebellen van de elektrische fietsindustrie?
Elektrikli bisiklet dünyası inanılmaz bir yükseliş gösteriyor. Bu alandaki en yeni model ise Spinciti’den geliyor. İşte detaylar;
Na crowdfundingovej stránke Indiegogo sa objavil opäť zaujímavý projekt elektrobicyklu. Tentokrát ide o cestný bicykel Spinciti, ktorý láka na dostupnú cenu.